Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Ten Little Changes to do in the Year 2022!!

Namaste friends,

Welcome you to my new blog.

Happy Greetings!!

Hope all doing great.

New year is coming soon and I want to make our new year 2022 to have positive impact in our life. So I want to list out 10 changes to do in the amazing year 2022. You guys also can plan accordingly with reference to this.

Below highlighted are small changes that we (me & my wife) want to bring in our life. Here comes my first change: 

  1. Have Morning Routine: We will follow 5-10 minutes of Yoga, followed with sphere of silence. Drink water. Also will eat almond or sprouts daily. This will help to start our day right.
  2. Build a Habit: I will continue to write blogs consistently. I will watch TEDx talks or similar platform videos to improve English, financial & curriculum knowledge and understand life better. I will show gratitude to God daily. My wife will keep bed clean. This will build us internally strong.
  3. Celebrate: We are planning to urge life to celebrate for every little things in life. Example: new year, birthday's, anniversary, promotions, hike, new start-up, 100 followers in blog, new milestone, existing of life etc. This will help us happy life. 
  4. Boundary: Certain things which are not useful, need to say " No". So I have to check it out and tell gently for no for things which are not relevant for me or my growth. This will help for moving in right direction.
  5. Having space of compassion: I'm really looking for this to improve in year 2022. Since everyone is busy in their life with their target's, schedule etc. We will show kindness and tell thank you. I will show more care to people around who have touched my life. Give smile at people. This will create good gesture and gentleness. 
  6. Creating System: Creating system by itself looks like big task but if I can divide it by daily, weekly and monthly; looks so simple. So we are planning to do daily activities like learn daily new, sweep the floor, clean the wash room. Weekly: wipe the floor, dust the space and clean the cupboard. Monthly: Check the finance, clean and arrangement in kitchen. This will eventually build right. 
  7. Use Technology: Now in this era of world, automating certain things is very much required. This will reduce the stress level. So I'm planning to set a reminder for updating of my finance, go for digital payment, bills in digital platform.
  8. No Buy List: We almost have lot of similar things and keep buying it. So, year 2022 my no buy list are perfume, jacket, traveling bag, buckets. 
  9. Think Before Talk: Sometime there will be small little glitch in relations. So, we are planning to tell sorry before sleeping and next day will be fresh day. With new beginning, new start for the amazing day.
  10. Happiness List: This list will help to keep happy and focus on better day. Whenever required I will keep on adding the list. At this moment I remembered this - Drive/ ride a vehicle, Video editing, Watching comedy clip, Listen to music, Learning something new, Call a friend, Watching movie together, Traveling to new place, Eating fish, Going home, Writing blog.
This above small changes will make big difference in our life. Hope to give our best. I know year 2022 is going to be the best year of our life in terms of lot of happiness. 

Thank you guys for reading.
You all also plan for small little changes, I wish you all great days ahead and best financial year 2022. 

Live life to Maxout. Love you allπŸ’“.
Take care😷. See you all soon in next blog.
If you like the blog, follow the blog tooπŸ˜‰.


  1. I will also make one and follow. Thank you broπŸ™πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ƒ

  2. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸŒΏ☘πŸ‚πŸ€πŸŒΊπŸ’ž

  3. May ure plans work accordingly,and wish you happy new year in advance ��

    1. Thank you πŸ™ May this new year bring abundance in ur life.


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